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Temple of Roses

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. (France time)

An evening with the magic of Roses - Free workshop

This workshop is offered in french and english 

Roses are powerful allies and you can tap into their power to gain wisdom and healing. 
In this discovery workshop, you will discover the Spirit of Roses and how to forge a strong bond with Roses. 
If you want to learn more about Roses beyond science, this workshop is for you. 

In this discovery workshop, you will: 
+ Receive messages from the Roses for you right now. 
+ Take a trip to meet the Spirit of Roses at the Temple of Roses 
+ Receive healing energy from roses and more. etc
To register, fill out this form and you will receive an email a few hours before the meeting. 


Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. (France time)

Workshop - Live like a Rose

This workshop is offered in french and english

Roses have a way of life, as a priestess at the Temple of Roses, we learn to live like a Rose, to Vibrate and align ourselves with the Divine Laws ... like a rose. 

Learn more by attending this free workshop which will be in English and French.

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Experience the eclipses at the Temple of Roses

Upcoming dates:
Friday October 27, 2023 at 8 p.m. (France time)

Duration: 1h to 1h30

Eclipses are super powerful, they help you align your life with your soul's ultimate purpose and set new intentions for your life.
Eclipses provide the opportunity to make quantum leaps, which change and transform your life.

On the occasion of these workshops, we will explore these topics and help you:
• Free yourself from bad habits and negative situations individually and globally
• Realign yourself and listen to your heart
• Magnify your energy and use it to your advantage
• Define the new axes of your professional and love life
• Choose actions to take to align with the dance of the cosmos


During the eclipse, everyone has the chance to discover what hides their own light, what has hidden their own light in the past. With the eclipse, we have the opportunity to learn about new parts of ourselves.

It's a golden opportunity to reveal what you are, to no longer hide behind masks...

These workshops are for explorers, seekers of truth, and those who are open to different schools of thought.

Enter the Temple of Roses 


The Roses invite you to live an experience of transcendence, a spiral revolution towards what is truer and more authentic in you.

The potential change that the Roses invite you to experience is essential for the times we live in and will help you experience the spiraling transformation from within so that it spreads to the outer world.


Connect with us


Ouassima Issrae

Guardian and Priestess at the Temple of Roses

Initiator of the Temple of Roses and Guardian 



Prêtresse au Temple des Roses

bio-énergéticienne et Tarologue, j'ai créé un accompagnement spécifique aux Roses qui commence par une séance de Tarot/ Roses afin de mettre en lumière les enjeux, les Ressources et les blocages de la personne puis ensuite je réalise en deuxième séance le soin énergétique avec les Roses suivi du sac médecine et/ou du dessin. Je fais aussi le soin énergétique avec les Roses indépendamment tout dépend de la demande et des besoins



Prêtresse au Temple des Roses

Fait de la réinformation cellulaire et de l'Access

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