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Develop your psychic and intuitive gifts for your Tarot readings, Ir is easier than you think, this course is a JUMP! It is PRACTICAL - DEEP - TRANSFORMATIVE. Open for all levels! You will get to know more about Tarot in a CRAZY creative Way! 


This training includes :

  1. An online course challenge over 3 weeks. AVAILABLE NOW. Recorder and you can start any time.
  2. 4 Additional workshops In person in Lisbon: Sundays 8, 15, 22 and 29th of January 2023 at 10 am (Lisbon time) 


Tarot has been used for centuries for divination, but in the last century, it also became a tool for growth, inner transformation, and inner discovery. In this class, we use Tarot as a tool to activate your intuitive and psychic gifts!


Tarot helps you activate your intuitive and psychic gifts! 


The Online course includes 5 to 6 vidéos per week for 3 weeks and you will learn through Psychic, intuitive, creative & practical exercises :

What is the difference between psychic and intuitive, What are your psychic gifts? What deck do you choose and why? What are your belief systems and their impact on your readings? We will explore some notions about the: Unknown in Tarot readings, Energy Tarot Readings, Funny Exercises with The Foul journey through the majors, grounding protection techniques, and more spreads. 


You have the opportunity to develop and use your natural psychic abilities through different tools & creative exercises, you will learn how to use your psychic abilities to read tarot and oracle cards and get inspiration and guidance. If you want to develop your psychic skills, this course is for you! Enjoy many Tarot spreads and Journaling prompts.


To develop your abilities, you will need to dedicate time: it can be 10 minutes per day or one hour, this depends on your schedule, but we encourage you to practice every day :)



Live Workshops will be held to POWER UP your practice and dive deeper, we will exchange and do exercises together, and I will also answer your questions.

1h30 for each workshop, we will practice together and I will answer your questions.

  • Workshop LIVE 1 : What type of reader are you? And the Cycles of love and hate with Tarot and  + BONUS How to use rational and Intuitive thinking in your readings, what about psychic gifts?

  • Workshop LIVE 2 : The Must of a Tarot reading and the Art of asking the right questions

  • Workshop LIVE 3 :  Storytelling with Tarot and how it helps you in your tarot readings: get creazy, creative and spontaneous in your tarot readings. 

  • Workshop LIVE 4 :  RESEARCH WORK for students!



We are so fortunate to have the permission of Nancy, the author of “Psychic Tarot” & “101 Tarot Spreads by 20 Modern Tarot Masters” to hold these workshops. Find more about her here:


Our goal through this school is to offer affordable, creative, and transformative workshops, to bring healing, and inspiration, and help students develop their abilities.




365 Jours de défis avec Tarot & Oracles : Pour ceux qui n'ont pas le temps

Volume 1 

Psychic Tarot by Nancy

Other books will be shared, some books are available for sale, ask me about them.


Voici ce que nos étudiants disent de nos cours 


Please read our shop policy.

Prices in $Us. No returns


Svp Lire notre politique d'achat, aucun retour ni remboursement

  • Details

    You will get access to the program via a links that will be sent by email few hours prior to the event. if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Ouassima via :


    Vous aurez accès au programme via un lien qui vous sera envoyé par courrier électronique quelques heures avant l'événement. si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à contacter Ouassima via:

120,00$ Prix original
88,00$Prix promotionnel

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